What Did Presidents Clinton and Bush have in Common?

Aside from the obvious executive similarity, most of us would be hard pressed to see any commonalities for the two former presidents. The answer? Both were regular exercisers. George would run laps on the track; Bill would jog down Pennsylvania Avenue with the Secret Service in tow as he breakfasted at McDonald’s. Interesting perhaps, but “So what?” you may ask.
Today’s newsletter has to do with values and priorities. It also has to do with congruence. The concept of congruence tells us that our behaviors and values should be aligned. Few readers would disagree with that directive but might lament, “I’m too busy at work to get to my kids’ games.” or “It’s easier to put the Disney DVD in the player than to read to Tommy. I have housework.”
If the two men in the White House can carve an hour out from their schedule to try to keep fit, what is our excuse? When I was the chair of a high school counseling department, all counselors were expected to run a group for some special population. With over 300 counselees per caseload, my colleagues certainly were never sitting on their hands. However, some students were from dysfunctional families, struggling with avoiding alcohol or drugs, or had recently lost a loved one. The groups were important, and it was our job to find the time in a busy schedule to accomplish that priority goal. And we did.
On a more personal level, I am blessed with a fine and honorable son-in-law, Brad. He is an upwardly mobile corporate executive in California, but he also understands the message of today’s missive. Brad goes into work two hours early each day before the children wake so that he can return in the early evening while the children are awake and still roaring around the house. Why? So he can spend time with his son and daughter: our grandchildren. Brad is a wonderful guardian of our gene pool, and he understands that there is always a way to accomplish a priority.
So what personal value or goal have you been shortchanging? How can you make room in your hectic week to visit that sick relative or take a little one to a game or the zoo? Are you putting your time where your personal “MIP’s” are? I know you are not sitting around eating bon-bons or snoozing. It is true that you are busy. But, if a president can find time to manage for a priority, why can’t you?
Get a little creative and attend to a neglected value TODAY. It will be worth it. I promise!