Dr. John V. Farrar
the snowman therapist
Tap To Call: (248) 210-3556
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The Snowman Therapist BLOG!
Is Your Chariot Balanced?
Are Your Horses Pulling Your Chariot in the Same Direction? When I was the chair of the counseling department at Churchill High School in Livonia, I was once asked by the principal to address problems that the school was facing with ninth graders. As most secondary...
What’s A Calcaneus? Answer: the collection of bones that make up your heel. Near the end of May, I shattered that mighty construction that we all take for granted. Looking back on it, the only thing I feel slightly good about is that I wasn’t doing something foolhardy...
IT’S NOT OUT THERE In the course of a lifetime, many experiences shape us. More specifically, certain experiences provide us with an opportunity to gain a new insight; a new idea or wisdom. Such an event occurred to me when I was in my early thirties. It was a...
The Shaping of our Lives Twenty five years ago, Dr. Morris Massey produced and narrated a series of educational tapes which described the influence of certain cultural and historical events on any individual’s development. Massey referred to such a personal watershed...
Act as If……….. As my readers have learned by now, I’m a real movie fan. Like most aficionados of the silver screen, I have a few favorite actors. One of them is the recently deceased box office titan, Paul Newman. Paul was nominated for Oscars numerous times before...
Just Do It
As my students and clients can attest, I generally explain that I consider myself to be a cognitive therapist. This simply means that I proceed from the stance that our thoughts dictate our actions, and our actions determine how we are feeling. This view is the...
“In-Sight the Source”
In my last newsletter, entitled, “Two Buckets,” I discussed how our individual view of life affects our thoughts, our actions, and our feelings. Much of that piece explored our ability to discriminate between elements in our life that we can make happen versus facets...
Two Buckets
As most of my counseling students and clients can attest, I am a storyteller; a raconteur. Hopefully, my stories make some point about the craft of counseling with my future clinicians. Ideally, the stories I share with clients will serve as an image or reminder of...
A Work in Progress
For the past several years, I have hosted a golf tournament attended by former colleagues from my high school teaching and coaching days, as well as some other friends. Over the years, the event has devolved from a very intense competition in which the play is both...
Where Have All the Feathers Gone?
I once had the opportunity to hear the former Detroit Tigers' beloved broadcaster, Ernie Harwell, speak. I believe he was loved largely because of his overall good nature and affability. During his talk, he made the non-baseball observation that one of his goals in...
A Matter of Volume
Courtesy of Netflix, my wife Anita and I had the pleasure of re-watching an old classic, To Kill a Mockingbird. The Harper Lee best seller was destined to become a staple of American literature, read by millions of high school students. A few years ago, we attended...

Thoughts. Behaviors. Feelings. These are the three pillars of the Farrars' approach to counseling. As a cognitive counselor, Dr. John believes our behaviors and feelings stem from our thoughts.
Dr. John draws upon years of experience and his work with over 300 women to identify six reasons why women choose dysfunctional and under-achieving partners.
Dr. John is an enthusiastic and entertaining presenter, able to convey his cognitively-oriented messages to audiences with a clear and entertaining style.
Call him today to schedule a workshop or seminar for you or your organization.