Dr. John V. Farrar
the snowman therapist

Tap To Call: (248) 210-3556

Services Provided by
The Snowman Therapist!


Dr. Farrar maintains a private practice with his wife in the metropolitan area of Detroit as well as near his home in central Michigan. Their practice treats both adults and adolescents on topics including chemical dependency, couples and family counseling, as well as employment-related problems and issues. Their practice also involves substance-related evaluations for court-mandated, adjudicated referrals.

Their primary focus has been on enabling clients to achieve higher functioning without resorting to the use of substances, either recreational or prescribed, by teaching them methods and techniques aimed at improving relationships in all facets of their lives.

The Farrars address specific clinical services for clients related to anger management and anxiety-related diagnoses. They have successfully addressed the sensitive topic of criminal sexual conduct as well as domestic violence. They have treated issues of other behavioral (in addition to substance) addictions (i.e. gambling, eating disorders, kleptomania) and other obsessive-compulsive patterns of conduct.


Chemical Dependency
Anger Management
Career & College

EAP Referrals


Driver License Reinstatement
Substance Use Evaluation


 Click Here for more information about the Book.

Thoughts. Behaviors. Feelings. These are the three pillars of the Farrars' approach to counseling. As a cognitive counselor, Dr. John believes our behaviors and feelings stem from our thoughts.

>>> more about TBF Theory

Dr. John & Anita treat both adults and adolescents on topics including chemical dependency, couples and family counseling, as well as employment-related problems and issues, with emphasis on not having to use recreational or prescribed substances.

>>> more about Counseling

Dump the Neanderthal, Choose Your Prime Mate

Dr. John draws upon years of experience and his work with over 300 women to identify six reasons why women choose dysfunctional and under-achieving partners.

>>> more about The Book

Dr. John is an enthusiastic and entertaining presenter, able to convey his cognitively-oriented messages to audiences with a clear and entertaining style.

Call him today to schedule a workshop or seminar for you or your organization.

>>> more about Workshops