Genius is the capacity for productive reaction against one’s training. Bernard Berenson Definition: tic: a small repeated movement of a muscle, especially of the face, that cannot be controlled. Most of us are fortunate that we do not suffer from this malady....


The man who makes no mistakes does not usually make anything. – Magee When we see a friend, family member, or even a stranger who is struggling with some addiction or other negative and self-defeating behavior, what do we think? And how do we feel? The responses...

Be Nice

Remember that everyone you meet is afraid of something, loves something and has lost something. While recently on vacation, I had the opportunity to travel with a new acquaintance. Touring through the State of Alaska, my wife, Anita, and I daily shared our experiences...

Secrets: The Silent Saboteurs!

Nothing makes us so lonely as our secrets. – Paul Tournier Some months ago, I wrote a newsletter entitled “Secrets make us Sick.” It discussed the therapeutic value of acknowledging past mistakes. The point of that piece, I believe, was worth reiterating through the...

Longing to Belong

Every terrorist regime in the world uses isolation to break people’s spirits. Bell Hooks Think back to what I often refer to as “the low point in human existence” – middle school or junior high. Few of us have fond memories of that stage in our growth and...