What is Merit?

One of my earlier recollections about school involved my brother, Ray.  He was six years older than I and attended a parochial high school for boys.  It was generally acknowledged that he was the “brains” of our family and, predictably, always received...


Those of you who are familiar with this author’s concept of “the Snowman” will understand this month’s message.  The Snowman reminds us that everything in our life, our actions and feelings, flow from certain ideas or beliefs that we hold.  But what happens...


The title of today’s newsletter, obviously, must be a rhetorical question.  Everyone knows that there is no such thing as perfection.  There are no perfect people, situations, or…. relationships.   We know this.  Or do we? The psychologist,...


Rise up and tackle the issue with enthusiasm! Since the advent of the counseling profession, therapists have been interested and fascinated by the “why”question.  Similarly, their clients were puzzled, and perhaps even plagued, by their own self-defeating...