Dr. John V. Farrar
the snowman therapist
Tap To Call: (248) 210-3556
About The Farrars…
The Snowman Therapist!
About Dr. John Farrar…
John Farrar has worn “many hats” in the course of his professional life. He has served as a high school teacher, a school counselor department chair, a director of a network of psychological clinics, a university professor, a staff developer, and a process consultant.
Throughout his career, however, Dr. Farrar has always, in one form or another, been a teacher. His overriding skill has been his talent for sharing principles and concepts aimed at helping his students and clients move forward with their lives in a positive direction. The setting has varied; the method of helping has not.
Dr. Farrar earned his doctorate in psychology and human services and is a fully licensed professional counselor. He has conducted hundreds of seminars and workshops over the years, always with a focus on positive psychology. Throughout his twenty years as a professor, Dr. Farrar has maintained his private practice as a clinician, speaker, and consultant. To turn an old phrase upside down, he explains, “Those who teach should also do!”
Dr. Farrar grew up in Chicago but spent virtually all of his adult years in Michigan. He met his wife, Anita, while attending his alma mater, the University of Detroit. They are the justifiably proud parents of two successful adult children, John and Christina. The Farrars currently reside in a residential community west of Mt. Pleasant, Michigan where Dr. Farrar is a professor at Central Michigan University.
About Anita Farrar…
Anita Farrar has been a professional counselor for many years. Over the past ten, she has been working along with her husband in their private practice. Anita Farrar has served in public education for 38 years holding the positions of teacher, counselor, department chair and administrator in Ferndale, Wayne-Westland and Birmingham Public Schools. Her administrative positions included assistant principal and Counseling Department Chair.
She taught English basic reading and writing through honors-level courses in grades 7-12. Her favorite courses were Honors Creative Writing and American Literature. For the twelve years prior to retiring from education, Anita served as the college counselor at Birmingham Seaholm High School where she helped students with their post-secondary planning.
Anita grew up on the east side of Detroit and has always lived in Michigan. She earned her B.A. in English and her M.A. in Counseling at the University of Detroit, as well as her Ed.
Anita also brought her considerable skills as a writer and grammarian to the initial preparation of our recently-published book, Dump The Neanderthal; Choose Your Prime Mate.
Thoughts. Behaviors. Feelings. These are the three pillars of the Farrars' approach to counseling. As a cognitive counselor, Dr. John believes our behaviors and feelings stem from our thoughts.
Dr. John draws upon years of experience and his work with over 300 women to identify six reasons why women choose dysfunctional and under-achieving partners.
Dr. John is an enthusiastic and entertaining presenter, able to convey his cognitively-oriented messages to audiences with a clear and entertaining style.
Call him today to schedule a workshop or seminar for you or your organization.